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follicle stimulating中文是什么意思

用"follicle stimulating"造句"follicle stimulating"怎么读"follicle stimulating" in a sentence


  • 促滤泡的


  • Fsh - rh follicle stimulating hormone releasing hormone
  • Cloning and analyzing the 5 ' region of follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene on buffalo
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone luteinizing hormone follicle stimulating hormone receptors
  • It increases the se itivity of the ovaries to follicle stimulating hormone , thereby increasing ovulation , the study said
  • It increases the sensitivity of the ovaries to follicle stimulating hormone , thereby increasing ovulation , the study said
  • The products of follicle stimulating hormone ( fsh ) used in animal husbandry are all extracted from the pituharies of bovine , goat , pig and some other animals . the lack of material and low purity of this kind of fsh limit its extensive application
    当前畜牧业生产中所使用的卵泡刺激素( fsh )产品都是从牛、羊、猪等家畜的脑垂体中直接提取的,由于材料来源有限、纯度差且常有其它激素的污染,影响了fsh的广泛应用。
  • 4 . to measure the expression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor ( fsh - r ) on cultured granrlosa cells and to study the correlation between the expression and ivf - et outcome ; to investigate the physiological mechanism of reactivity of the ovary to productive hormones in order to give a rich theoretic base on coh
    4 、测定培养的颗粒细胞上fsh - r的含量,并研究其与ivf - et结果的相关性,从而进一步探讨卵巢对促性腺激素反应性的生理机制,为控制超排卵方案提供更广泛的理论基础。
  • Objective : l . to measure the levels of basal serum follicle stimulating hormone ( fsh ) , luteinizing hormone ( lh ) , estradio ( e2 ) in peripheral blood in natural menstrual cycle and to investigate the correlations between the hormones and ivf - et outcome . 2 . to measure the levels of fsh lh e2 in peripheral blood in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( coh ) cycle and to investigate the correlations between the hormones and ivf - et outcome
    目的: 1 、测定控制超排卵患者控制超排卵周期前基础外周血促卵泡素( fsh ) 、黄体生成素( lh ) 、雌二醇( e _ 2 )水平,并探讨其与体外受精-胚胎移植( ivf - et )结果的相关关系。
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